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Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Behind the Internet Marketing Opportunities and Controversies

Hallo, Happy Morning! (whenever the time to open this blog) .

Morning is the time that determine a person's activities in the day, if the same morning that day offs then also fully spirit. So the most appropriate time to transmit the spirit of enthusiasm is the morning.

George Soros trader and author of a book The Alchemy of Finance as well as business owners Quantum Fund Management said: "Year 2000 is the beginning of the new millennium. There can not, we should trust the free market, the market where the transaction is not bound to limit the State, tribe, currency, culture and religion. At the time of the trade transaction is the international event. " And development of the internet at this time George Soros to support these statements.

Internet is a sea of information, just try to open the site and typing the keyword search and you see, there are hundreds, thousands even millions of sites that show the theme / topic of your search according to keywords you only in seconds. Information from economic, political, social, cultural, technology, business, business opportunity, health, entertainment, gossip and things that are less well-publicized on the Internet for can be found easily.

There are sites that sell books with the unique title "everything men know about women", this book is strange because there are no writings. But the owner of this site is $ 850,000 per year and a price per book is $ 4, -. Fraud, it does not, this book is in accordance with the theme, write it out what is known about women.

And what makes the Internet have more value in comparing with the system offline marketing?

This data can represent the above question. Total internet users world is 1,114,274,426, and is the largest population of Asian-398,709,065 people. Japan Country in total internet users reach people 86,300,000, 13,528,200 people Malaysia, Singapore 2,421,000 people, Indonesia total internet users reach 18,000,000 person, the data is the survey result in 2007 with the now-how, you can calculate your own, and the number will continue to grow.

Marketing is what is actually in the real world and the virtual world?. The principle is the same but different. Marketing has a different understanding of the different for each person. We identify only our perceptions about marketing with the reference from the book The magnetic marketing solution - works of Joseph G. Gracia - publisher: bluemoon Publishing. "Marketing is how you help people to get what they want, people buy based on desire and of course from people who they know, they love and trust them."

From the above, suppose we open a store in the mall or in a store or in a housing complex or perhaps even in the street then people must know the existence of our stores and we usually do is campaign, ya know how it is done to notify the existence of the store us. What if we have a shop online with the web / blogs that offer products or services, how we let the online store to more than 1 billion internet users the world. Internet Marketing, that is the answer.

Internet marketing, could be the opportunity and can be controversial (which is clearly the need to learn). However, the definitive internet marketing will be the trend in the era of the free market.

From the various information I summarized there are some reasons why internet marketing has a very rapid growth and will become a trend for future business is run by young professionals.

1. Internet market is that there are more than 1 billion people around the world. And this number will continue to grow.
2. Rotation of money on the internet according to the statistical data can reach more than U.S. $ 170 billion and this number continues to grow.
3. The growth of the internet very rapidly especially with the infrastructure that is supported by easy access to the internet.
4. The cost for Internet access at this time is easier than a few years ago.
5. Internet is a trend that will continue to follow the development of the era.

Indeed, is currently infecting disease "find money the easy way", "how easy rich quick", "how easily can a mate", "how easy divorce," and other easy ways, all easy free. (ya. .. human nature).

Friends .., irrespective of the internet marketing or not that we 'will find a result if we do not try and exploit. In the case of any difference of opinion is normal, including trends in internet marketing. The goal of this blog written especially for friends who love blogging, well that at this time or are not sure to understand the internet marketing will be up by itself with a curious sense of internet marketing, but not until we approach the differences of views on the predicate "loser". Our parents, we're not giving birth to as a "loser", that we make ourselves as "winners" or "loser." So make the drive and just position ourselves in the "winner".

A winner to know for certain that success is the result of the establishment of a positive paradigm through struggle and sacrifice. No success is free, there must be "price" is issued. Whatever the dream, including in the running of internet marketing there is "price" that must be paid. Are only some of the "click" can make money?. :-)

Suggestions for my blogger friends, or anyone who would seriously in the internet marketing, do not do anything under this:
1. Business does not treat the Internet as a business. Because the capital is considered a very small business can start the internet. I think any area of our work must be done with the professional.
2. Does not have a focus and a clear goal, so the only hope with a few clicks are cash only.
3. Not prepared to pay with time, money and energy.
4. Does not have minded doing it. Whatever you do there must be struggle and sacrifice, including business on the internet.
5. Not join in the community who give each other support.
6. No less diligent and patient.

... Friends, I am sure you agree with me if I say anything to someone's dream of success has to be started from a positive pattern of thought, and would willingly sacrifice and struggle to realize these dreams. Is not every success there is struggle and sacrifice that must be paid.

Oh ya .. just want to spring for a serious internet marketing just learned the things below:

How to create a unique product.
Learn how to create a sales letter and writing copy that sells.
Understand techniques bring traffic.
Learn science of SEO (search engine optimization).
Learn how to create a script that lets you offer a product from start to even get the buyer to all maintenance can be done automatically.

Ok Success ... for all of us!. Be a Positive but cautious

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